Making and Breaking the grid

Reading the same article gave me a different perspective of grids. Amazing to see how one of the great design techniques (grid based design) was conceptualized during industrial revolution and evolved to what it is today. The article explores how the grid based design was applied in different parts of the world across architecture, furniture and industrial design, book design and how it translated to modern day grid based graphics design. It is interesting to see how Moholy and Herbert Bayer applied the grid concept in typography and which changed the way typography was approached.

When i see  a website the first thing I notice is the grid structure used and it is all because of this article. I had used grids to design logos for the technology group in the company I had worked for and never really thought of the advantages of grids. While reading the article I correlated the grid principles to the work I had done and they are indeed clear, efficient, economical and continuous . In fact we used grid layouts for designing web pages intensively and never really studied the basics of grids; as we see grids in everyday objects the “the grid thinking” comes naturally for designers. Now the windows, kitchen, and even the car tires are grid based and I have started noticing different grid patterns  the every object I see, every webpage I go to.


Timothy Samara, “Making and Breaking the Grid”

Inspiration 5

Tyypography Mania is a weekly post series that comes around once a week with the best of Typography design submitted by our users at, from type videos to images everything is full of great design and typography inspiration. Submit your typography designs too and be part of this post. This series of hand written typefaces blended with creativity makes it unique in term of graphics design. 

As a graphics designer using the knowledge of design and typography along with creativity can produce a design masterpiece.


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